Quarterly e-journal devoted to physics pedagogy.
Formerly published in print format: Volume. 1 (1984) to Volume 27 (2010)
ISSN 0970-5953
Past Issues
Volume 37. No. 3, July - September 2021
- Electrodynamics: The Maxwellian Quest
- Towards understanding the properties of Quark Gluon Plasma using a MIT bag model
- Demonstrating the essence of Liouvillie's theorem using examples
- A simplistic approach to Ergodic hypothesis
- A Simplistic Expression for the Escape Velocity from a Galaxy
- Evaluation of Planck's Constant using Light Emitting Diodes: A new apporoach using ExpEYES-17
- Suggestive pedagogy for learning quantum confinement effects through online simulator Quantum Dot Lab
Volume 37. No. 2, April - June 2021
Volume 37, No. 1. January-March 2021
- Hidden Physics of Muon $g-2$
- Introducing of delta function in generalized space and their application in quantum mechanics
- Solutions for simple quantum mechanical systems using SCILAB
- A simple model of electric ground and of a dc power supply
- Realizing Positive Temperature Co-efficient of Resistance Effect using an IC-555 Timer Circuit
Volume 36. No. 4, October - December 2020
- Solar System: A Historical Perspective and a Deeper Look
- Low-cost experiment to measure the speed of light
- Fractals in leaves- An interdisciplinary project for undergraduates
- Learning Density Matrix with the help of exercises
- Simulation of Vibrational Spectrum of Diatomic Molecules Using Morse Potential by Matrix Methods in Gnumeric Workheet
- Some issues in teaching Landau diamagnetism
Volume 36. No. 3, July - September 2020
- A simple scale factor in the light of the recent Planck satellite data analysis
- Using classical collisions to conceptualize high-energy physics scattering outcomes at introductory physics level
- Why we need ensembles in statistical mechanics?
- BCS Theory in ( 2 × 2 ) Matrix Way
- Spin Inequality for Energy Computation of Heisenberg Spin Hamiltonian
- Revisiting Lees and Chorlton Disc Experiment
- Elements of Electrical Safety for Physics
- Graphical Pedagogy of Teaching Reciprocal Space
Volume 36. No. 2, April - June 2020
- The laws of planetary motion, derived from those of a harmonic oscillator (following Arnold)
- Determining planetary positions in the sky for $pm 50$ years to an accuracy of $stackrel{<}{_{sim}} 1^{circ}$ with a calculator
- Junction Field Effect Transistor Characteristics: A new approach using ExpEYES-17
- Development of Low-cost Photogate Assembly for Time Measurement
- Visualising the concept of charging and discharging of capacitors using digital storage oscilloscope
- Understanding Electrostatic Potential and Field Distributions by Simulation
- Gamma Spectra of Non-Enriched Thorium Sources using PIN Photodiode and PMT based Detectors
- Energy density and susceptibility of warm and dense quark matter
Volume 36, No. 1. January-March 2020
- Kaprekar Numbers in Binary Form
- Which of arithmetic averaging and least squares fitting is best for estimating time periods?
- The influence of the second degree of freedom on the peculiarities of thread pendulum oscillations
- The fallacy of Schott energy-momentum
- New possibilities of efficiency improvement in multi-junction solar cells
- The Dual-Spring-Cannon-Propelled Cart
- Numerical Solution of Square Well Potential With Matrix Method Using Worksheets
- A Compendium on General Relativity for Undergraduate Students
Volume 35. No. 4, October- December 2019
- A Dozen Beautiful Equations
- Darboux transformations and New exactly solvable potentials
- Simulating Boundary Behaviour of Transverse Waves in Strings using SCILAB
- Shape of interference fringes in Young's double slit experiment
- Equipartition theorem for non-linear oscillators
- An Illustarted Guide to Wave Phenomena Focusing on Phase
- Is interstellar travel to an exoplanet possible?
Volume 35. No. 3, July - September 2019
- An Exploration of the Confusion Between Concept and Formalization Amongst the Community of Teachers in Physics
- Dimensional Analysis - Illustrative Examples Using This Tool
- Impulse, Energy, and Collision: Old Conceptions, New Viewpoints.
- Generation of Tunable Ultraviolet Laser Radiation by SFG in BBO Crystal
- New Circuit for Electronics Choke for Tubelight
- Dielectric Properties of Contaminated and Reclaimed Dry Soils at Radio Frequencies
- Energy Tensor for Charged Incoherent Dust in its Own Electromagnetic Field
Volume 35. No. 2, April - June 2019
- A pedagogical experiment on longitudinal modes of a He-Ne laser
- Simulating the Phenomenon of Interference using SCILAB
- Young's Modulus using Wind Chimes
- Market analysis using three state Ising model
- Exploring the non-linear oscillations by means of the law of energy conservation: two examples
- Generalized Lissajous Figures
Volume 35, No. 1. Jan-Mar 2019
- Generalized Stefan-Boltzmann Law: A tutorial
- Why no radiation occurs from a uniformly accelerated charge
- Alpha Spectrum of 212-Bi Source Prepared using Electrolysis of Non-Enriched ThNO3 Salt
- Measurement Model of an Alpha Spectrometer for Advanced Undergraduate Laboratories
- Breakdown of Dimensional Analysis in Physics
- Understanding clipping circuits finely
Volume 34. No. 4, Oct- Dec 2018
- Newton's Method and Energy Eigenvalue Problems for Schrodinger Equation
- Vibrations of a Circular Membrane - Some Undergraduate Exercises
- Examining the Decay Constants of Radioactive Dice Experiment
- Degeneracy of Fresnel Reflection Coefficients at Normal Incidence.
- An Indirect Analytical Method for Finding the Magnetic Field at any Point on the Azimuthal Plane of a Conducting Loop : A Filamentary Model Approach
- Relativistic Rocket, Its Equation of Motion and Solution for two Special Cases
- Physics and the Youth
- Errata
Volume 34. No. 3, Jul - Sep 2018
- Physics Nobel Prizes at a glance
- Locating Planets in Sky Using Manual Calculations
- Thermodynamics of polar systems
- Inertial versus Non- Inertial Frame of Reference
- Radiative losses and radiation reaction derived from the kinetic power of the electric inertial mass of a charge
- Teaching methodology for the introduction of Quantum Mechanics
Volume 34. No. 2, Apr - Jun 2018
- Ensemble formalism for a market
- Loop-the-loop Demonstration with Rolling Radius Correction
- Intrinsic nonlinearity of a PN-junction diode and higher order harmonic generation
- Kinematics of a falling Slinky
- A Toy Model of Two Dimensional Polarizable Material
- Students’ Attitudes towards Physics Practical at the Undergraduate (College) Level: A Study of the Colleges in Meghalaya.
Volume 34, No. 1. Jan-Mar 2018
- Marbles and Bottles-or Boxes illustrate Irreversibility and Recurrence
- Multi-facets of one dimensional δ-function potential
- Motion of a rod pushed at one point in a weightless environment in space
- Generation and Detection of Optical Vortex Using Spiral Phase Plate and Spatial Light Modulator
- Work Done by Internal Forces on a Multibody System with Constraints
- An Erlangen program for physics: a brief historical note for high school
- On Circular Motion of John Warren's Car
Volume 33. No. 4, Oct- Dec 2017
Volume 33. No. 3, Jul - Sep 2017
Volume 33. No. 2, Apr - Jun 2017
- Ground state Energy Spectrum of One-Dimensional Pure Quantum Anharmonic Oscillators using Variation Principle
- Error analysis in undergraduate Physics Lab
- Gender Gap and Polarisation of Physics on Global Courses
- Each normalized state is a member of an orthonormal basis: A simple proof
- A study of the effect of figure of merit on the performance of FTO based organic light emitting diode (OLED)
- Si Orientation Dependent Release of SiO2 Microcantilevers by Wet Chemical Etching Method
Volume 33, No. 1. Jan-Mar 2017
- Determination of Refractive Index of a liquid using Lensmakers’ formula
- More than Three Hundred Years on - The Infinite Series keeps Providing Finite Results
- Revisiting the physics of turning water into wine, a pedagogical approach
- The paradox of power loss in a lossless infinite transmission line
- Mermin-Wagner Theorem and its implications
- The genesis of the internal resistance of a battery -- a physical perspective
- Determination of the dimensions of the two co-axial cylindrical cavities hidden inside a mechanical black box
- Optical imaging of metallic and semiconductor nanostructures at sub–wavelength regime
- Electrical Circuits as the Nerve Cells
Volume 32. No. 4, Oct- Dec 2016
- How a Diode Tames the Sun
- Visualizing Electromagnetic Field using Gnuplot-Part 3 Field from uniformly accelerating charged particle
- Lorentz transformations without light
- Teaching Superfluidity at the Introductory Level
- Studies on Newtonian chirp from inspiraling compact binaries
- A new tool to study Universe: Gravitational Waves
- Dark Matter and Neutrinos
Volume 32. No. 3, Jul- Sep 2016
Volume 32. No. 2, Apr - Jun 2016
- Einstein’s centennial gift: Gravitational waves discovered
- Travel near the speed of light: an instructive exercise in special relativity
- How High Could a Mountain Be?
- Ice Phase transition as a sample of finite system phase transition
- Explanation of reflection in Paraxial ray optics by matrix method
- Velocity-surface stability of a moving charged particle in a controlled electromagnetic field
- Neutrino Oscillation and Neutrino Mass
Volume 32. No. 1, Jan - Mar 2016
- Scaling Analysis: Size of Lilliputs, Giants and Normal Humans
- Graphical Vector Method for Solving Relative Velocity & Dynamics Problems with Causality Visualization
- Alternative method for introducing torque and angular momentum
- Rotational motion of a rigid body with the system IP–Coach
- Reinforcing Harmonic Oscillators in Electrostatics
- The Electrodynamics of Charges in Capacitors-Pulley System & Teaching of Physics Discovery Lessons
- Rutherford's Scattering: A Fortran Simulation
- Nature of Legendre foretold by Pascal
- Comparative Analysis of M 3 and NGC 2420 using SDSS Data
- NIM based muon Telescope – An Educational Experiment for Post Graduate Students
- Functional differential equations. 6: Quantum Mechanics
Volume 31. No. 4, Oct - Dec 2015
- Functional differential equations. 5: Time travel and life
- The Paradox of Two Charged Capacitors -- A New Perspective
- Eucliden group E(2) and the quantum rotator in three dimensions.
- Revisiting the Concept of 2-D Bravais Lattices
- Satellite in a Circular Orbit About a Rotating Spherical Planet and Calculation of the Velocity Change Along the Ground Track
- A Simple Estimation of Young’s Modulus and Tensile Strength of Carbon Nanotubes
- A Low-cost Refractometer in an Undergraduate laboratory
- Visualization of Electromagnetic Fields Using Gnuplot
Volume 31. No. 3, Jul- Sep 2015
- Mars Orbiter Mission
- Mars Colour Camera (MCC)
- Methane Sensor for Mars (MSM)
- Lyman Alpha Photometer (LAP) for Water Evolution Studies in Planetary Atmospheres: Instrumentation, Experimentation and Performance Aspects
- MENCA onboard the Indian Mars Orbiter Mission
- Thermal Infrared Imaging Spectrometer Onboard Mars Orbiter Mission
Volume 31. No. 2, Apr- Jun 2015
- Functional differential equations. 4: Retarded gravitation
- Creation of electric potential minima in 3D: Trapping charged particles
- Note on the magnetic energy of a rotating charged metal sphere
- The quark confinement: Life sentence of fundamental constituents of nature
- Foucault’s Pendulum
- Solar flare and its interaction with the Earth atmosphere: An Introduction
- Vector Addition in Physics
- The Requirement for Complex Numbers in Quantum Theory
Volume 31. No. 1, Jan- Mar 2015
- Velocity Change Calculation for an Object Moving on a Rotating Spherical Surface
- Doppler Shift of the de Broglie Waves- Some New Results from Very Old Concepts
- Momentum representation of wave function in Quantum Harmonic Oscillator using spreadsheets
- A Century of Planck Constant Measurement
- Elementary remarks on the ambiguous explanation of pressure in chemical thermodynamics
- Spatial Characterization of LED's Irradiance using Ordinary Detectors
- The Inverse Square Law and Near Field Communication
- Getting High School Students Excited about Physics
- Determination of Magnetic Dipole Moment of Permanent Disc Magnet with Two Different Methods
Volume 30. No. 4, Oct- Dec 2014
- Simulation of Earth orbit around Sun by Computational Method
- Relativistic equations of motion and the Newtonian limit
- Transcending three dimensions in physics
- Damped Motion Of Electron In Electric Conduction Due to Presence Of Magnetic AndAlternative Electric Fields At Right Angles And Closed Form
- Basics and Applications of Electrowetting on Dielectric (EW)
- Piezoelectricity : A New Way of Taming Energy
- Magneto-caloric Effect and Magnetic Field Induced Strain of Heusler Alloys
- Squaring and Cubing of Binary Numbers
- Voltage Calibaration Using Optical Method
Volume 30. No. 3, Jul - Sep 2014
- Maxwell's Stress Tensor and Conservation of Momentum in Electromagnetic Field
- Grappling Tensors using Maxwell's equations
- Eigenstates of a Non-Relativistic Particle in a Two-Dimensional Square Well Potential
- Monolayer, bilayer and trilayer graphene
- The Time evolution of a Square Wave Packet and a Triangular Wave Packet
- Revisiting Fizeau's observations: Spectral study of Na source using Newton's rings
- Functional differential equations. 3: Radiative damping
Volume 30. No. 2. Apr -Jun 2014.
- Role of Partition Function in Statistical Mechanics
- FYUP- The Delhi University Experience
- Web-Design, and NSES Content and Process Standards Analysis of Teacher-Published High School Physics Websites
- Looking at the sky with a digital spectrophotometer
- Physics Through Problem Solving XXVIII: Density of States
- Physics through Computation – a new paradigm- An Overview
Volume 30, No. 1. Jan -Mar 2014
- The Time evolution of a Square Wave Packet and a Triangular Wave Packet
- Effect of Solar Flare and Coronal Mass Ejection in our Life
- On magnetic analogue of Clausius-Mossotti equation
- Study of Factors Influencing Electrodeposition of Thin Film
- Physics of Gulli – Danda
- Dye-doped gelatin films for phase-conjugation studies in undergraduate optics laboratory
- Development and Validation of a Scale to Measure Physics Laboratory Attitude Level of University Students
Volume 29, No. 4. Oct-Dec 2013
- Cosmological Special Relativity: Fundamentals and Applications
- Analyticity and Cauchy-Riemann Equations
- Tachyons: Faster than Light Particles
- Set Theoretic Approach to Resistor Networks
- A New and Simpler Method of Calculating Approximate Energies of Bound-State Potentials using the WKB Approximation
- Verification of laws of reflection and refraction from quantum model of light
Volume 29, No. 3 Jul - Sep 2013
- Functional differential equations. 1: A new paradigm in physics
- Functional differential equations. 2: The classical hydrogen atom
- Simulation of three-level lasing system using cuboctahedron
- The Architecture of the Standard Model
- A Group Theoretical Analysis Of Constituent Gluons In Scalar Glueballs
- The RC Circuit Experiment
- Concerning an Approach of the Implementation of Environmental Education in the Physics Teaching System
- Increasing student understanding of Spectroscopy and Hertzsprung-Russel Diagrams
- The Young experiment as a teaching tool
Volume 29, No. 2, Apr - Jun 2013
Volume 29, No. 1. Jan - Mar 2013
- Cover Page
- In this issue
- Editorial
- Teaching of the phenomena of free, damped and forced oscillations in physics through an all-inclusive Java applet
- Relativistic time dilation:theoretically a reality associated only with the light clocks
- de Broglie Wavelength and Frequency of Scattered Electrons in the Compton Effect
- On Bound State of Cooper Pair in Superconductors
- Physics through Teaching Lab XXIII: LabVIEW Based Weighing Machine
- Physics Through Problem Solving XXVI: Variational Method
- Difficulties Faced by College Students in Introductory Physics: A Case Study
- Book Review: What are the Stars & Can Stars find Peace - G Srinivasan
Volume 28, No. 4. Oct-Dec 2012
- Cover Page
- In this issue
- Editorial
- An extension of the particle in a one dimensional box model
- Who is Afraid of Special Functions and Orthogonal Polynomials in Quantum Mechanics
- Exact Statistical Mechanics of Particle in a box using Canonical Ensemble
- Computer generated Fourier holograms for undergraduate optics laboratory
- Physics Through Teaching Lab XXII Magnet‐Solenoid Interaction
- Physics Through Problem Solving XXV: Small Oscillations
- News: Nobel Prize in Physics 2012
Volume 28, No. 3 Jul - Sep 2012
- Cover Page
- In this issue
- Editorial
- A simple way to solve the brachistochrone problem with resistance
- On the E-L equation and Snell’s law for massive particles : a mathematical revisit
- Stern-Gerlach Experiments and Complex Numbers in Quantum Physics
- Physics Through Problem Solving - XXIV: Poisson Brackets
- Physics Through Teaching Laboratory XXI - Compound Pendulum
- Quantum View of Mass
- Estimating the Pressure of a Gas in a Balloon and Motion Through Resistive Media
Volume 28, No. 2. Apr-Jun 2012
- Cover Page
- In this Issue
- EDITORIAL: IIT JEE and College Entrance Examinations
- Evaluation of density of electron states – A simple approach
- Activity-based Interactive Engagement in Science (Physics) Laboratory An Approach to Stimulate Pre-Service Teachers’ Conceptual Understanding
- Investigating the Effectiveness of Digital Interactive Multimedia Package in Astronomy to Promote Scientific Temper A Case Study of the Tertiary Level Students in India
- A brief history of gravitation:Copernicus to Newton
- Microcontroller based low cost strain measurement in a single ended cantilever beam using a Plastic optical Fiber
- Pedagogical Framework of Elementary Mechanics Comparable to Elementary Electromagnetism:Introductory Approach without Reliance on Equation of Motion
- Physics Through Problem Solving XXIII: Classical Lagrangian and Hamiltonian
Volume 28, No. 1. Jan-Mar 2012
- Cover Page
- In this issue
- Editorial
- Filament temperature of low power incandescent lamps: Stefan-Boltzmann law
- S. Chandrasekhar : White Dwarfs, H− ion,.., Black holes, Gravitational waves
- The challenging concept of time in quantum mechanics
- Teaching of Faraday’s and Lenz theory of electromagnetic induction using java based Faraday’s laws of stimulations.
- Physics Through Problem Solving - XXIIQuantum Mechanics Problems with Time-Evolution Operator:
- Ground states of continuum models
- Exact Eigenstates of a Relativistic Spin less Charged Particle in a Homogeneous Magneticfield
- PC and digital camera assisted study of projectile motion
- Basics of Renormalisation Group - Divide and Conquer
- Demonstration of Interference of Polarized Light with a Wedge Depolarizer
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