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Manuscript Preparation
  • From January 2018 onwards, manuscripts must be prepared using the LaTeX system and Physics Education will use LaTeX processed manuscripts only. Until January 2018, Physics Education will continue to accept MS-Word processed submissions. LaTeX system is an open-source software system for professional typesetting and is widely used by the academic community and all of the major journal publishers. More information and help on LaTeX is given below.
  • LaTeX template for Physics Education must be used to prepare the manuscript file. The LaTeX template can be downloaded from the link given below.
  • From Jaunary 2018 onwards, following procedure will be followed. At the submission stage, manuscript can be prepared using any word processor and a PDF file must be generated. This PDF file will be admitted only for review purposes. However, all accepted manuscripts must be prepared by the authors using the LaTeX system before publication. After acceptance of the manuscript, further processing for publication purposes will be stopped until the authors supply a LaTeX manuscript file and its output in PDF format. Manuscripts prepared using any other software will not be accepted for publication.

Download LaTeX template               Download MS Word template

Instructions for manuscript preparation :

  • The manuscript must follow the style conventions as given in the LaTeX template file. Authors should not change the LaTeX template file. The style conventions define the overall look-and-feel of the published article. These are related to how the author names, affiliations, equation numberings, references etc appear in the manuscript.
  • All the figures and tables must be serially numbered. References must be properly shown at the end.
  • The figures must be clean and legible. All the figures must be produced by a plotting software. In particular, scanned figures are not acceptable at all.
  • The axes tick marks and tick labels in the figures must be clearly visible. Their size must be sufficiently large so that they are clearly visible when reduced for publication purposes and printed out. The x- and y- axes must be properly labelled along with their units where ever applicable. A caption must always accompany a figure. Figures without caption is not acceptable. Authors are encouraged to judiciously use colours in their figures.
  • Any figure which is not a graph (such as a photo of a person or an experimental set-up etc.) must be a jpg file. It must be ensured that the image is clear and has proper aspect ratio.
  • All the references must be properly shown at the end. They must be serially numbered in the text of the paper. The order in which they appear in the 'references' must be the order in which they appear in the text. Authors should follow the referencing style given in the LaTeX template file.
  • All the math variables, equations and other mathematical pieces must be set in math mode of LaTeX.

LaTeX software :

LaTeX system is an open-source software system for professional typesetting and is widely used by the academic community and all the major journal publishers. From January 2018 onwards, Physics Education will exclusively use LaTeX processed manuscripts only.

LaTeX documents are created using a plain text editor, like a program code. The final output is a pdf file. To ease the creation of a pdf output from the LaTeX code there are a number of useful editor interfaces. These allow you to write the LaTeX code and see the output pdf side-by-side, highlight syntax, provide hints and navigate across documents with ease.

LaTeX and an integrated editor environment can be installed from the following project sites respectively,

For Windows, the MikTeX environment is popular. MikTeX comes bundled with the TeXWorks editor environment.

There are several other editor environments, some of the recommended ones are:

TeXstudio (For Linux)

TeXshop (For Mac)

TeXmaker (Windows, Mac, Linux)

Help on LaTeX :

Plenty of help on LaTeX is available on the web. The following resources are recommended:

LaTeX Tutorials

A complete downloadable guide

Getting to Grips with LaTeX

LaTeX document video examples : video1  video2

A simple introduction for typesetting equations in LaTeX

Comprehensive help : Wikipages and LaTex Project