Past Issues
Volume 32. No. 4, Oct- Dec 2016
- How a Diode Tames the Sun
- Visualizing Electromagnetic Field using Gnuplot-Part 3 Field from uniformly accelerating charged particle
- Lorentz transformations without light
- Teaching Superfluidity at the Introductory Level
- Studies on Newtonian chirp from inspiraling compact binaries
- A new tool to study Universe: Gravitational Waves
- Dark Matter and Neutrinos
- Book Review: Quantum Field Theory The Why, What and How - Thanu PADMANABHAN
Volume 32. No. 3, Jul- Sep 2016
- How Large Is An Atom?
- Evaluation of Boltmann's Constant : Revisit using Interfacing
- Magnetic Actuators in order to study Faraday Force
- Gibbs paradox: Mixing and non mixing potentials
- Using an iPad to Learn Motion Concepts in Introductory Physics
- Teaching Special Relativity with Real Rotation Matrix
- Book Review: Quantum Field Theory The Why, What and How - Thanu PADMANABHAN
Volume 32. No. 2, Apr - Jun 2016
- Einstein’s centennial gift: Gravitational waves discovered
- Travel near the speed of light: an instructive exercise in special relativity
- How High Could a Mountain Be?
- Ice Phase transition as a sample of finite system phase transition
- Explanation of reflection in Paraxial ray optics by matrix method
- Velocity-surface stability of a moving charged particle in a controlled electromagnetic field
- Neutrino Oscillation and Neutrino Mass
- Book Review: Quantum Field Theory The Why, What and How - Thanu PADMANABHAN
Volume 32. No. 1, Jan - Mar 2016
- Scaling Analysis: Size of Lilliputs, Giants and Normal Humans
- Graphical Vector Method for Solving Relative Velocity & Dynamics Problems with Causality Visualization
- Alternative method for introducing torque and angular momentum
- Rotational motion of a rigid body with the system IP–Coach
- Reinforcing Harmonic Oscillators in Electrostatics
- The Electrodynamics of Charges in Capacitors-Pulley System & Teaching of Physics Discovery Lessons
- Rutherford's Scattering: A Fortran Simulation
- Nature of Legendre foretold by Pascal
- Comparative Analysis of M 3 and NGC 2420 using SDSS Data
- NIM based muon Telescope – An Educational Experiment for Post Graduate Students
- Functional differential equations. 6: Quantum Mechanics
- Book Review: Quantum Field Theory The Why, What and How - Thanu PADMANABHAN