Teaching Superfluidity at the Introductory Level
L. Ruzhitskaya and W. Montfrooij
University of Missouri
Standard introductory modern physics textbooks do not exactly dwell
on superfluidity in $^4$He. Typically, Bose-Einstein condensation
(BEC) is mentioned in the context of an ideal Bose gas, followed by
the statement that BEC happens in $^4$He and that the ground state
of $^4$He exhibits many interesting properties such as having zero
viscosity. Not only does this approach not explain in any way why
$^4$He becomes a superfluid, it deprives students of the opportunity to
learn about how the symmetry requirements on the wavefunction for bosonic systems lead to the emergence of energy gaps, which in turn lead to superfluidity and superconductivity. We revisit
superfluid $^4$He by starting with Feynman's explanation of
superfluidity, and we
present exercises for the students that will allow them to arrive at a
very accurate estimate of the superfluid transition temperature. This paper represents a self-contained account of
superfluidity, which can be covered in one or two lessons in an introduction to modern physics class.